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Heat Map

This visualization shows a single participant's data over several days. 


Very similar to the heat map. On hover- produces a magnified version of minute-by-minute data.

Temporal Event Plot

This showcases 29 different participant's data. The purpose is to better showcase around what days/times people are most inclined to smoke.

Bar Chart

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Showcases info of various participants so you can see a side by side comparison of their smoking and stress habits.

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During August 2017-December 2017, I worked under Dr. Sharmin Moushumi to create visualizations from smoking data (involving csv files with up to 200,000 lines), to help better interpret the relationship between smoking, stress, and time of day. To make these visualizations, I used the Javascript library d3. 


There are two types of visualizations I produced- individual (Heat map and Scatterplot) and comparison (Temporal Event Plot and Bar Chart)

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